(3 customer reviews)

HELLO SUNSHINE! for sun protection

$49.90 NZD

ROAR’s HELLO SUNSHINE! is a unique homeopathic blend specifically formulated to help pets and animals have a healthy immune response to sun sensitivity.

Please note that this product does NOT help paws burned on hot pavements or tarseal.  Please observe special care with your dog in hot weather as they can feel the heat much more than people.

For more information, click here: HELLO SUNSHINE!

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HELLO SUNSHINE! is not an spf rated sunscreen. It takes 7-10 days use of the product to become effectual.  We will be introducing a non-toxic, pet friendly sunscreen that is spf rated for use during these first 10 days, shortly.

  • If you pet drinks from its water bowl throughout the day, put 2 pumps into the water bowl so it can be dosed each time it takes a drink. 2 pumps = 1 dose.  DOSE LIKE THIS FOR 10 DAYS THEN CEASE.  Put 2 pumps of HELLO SUNSHINE! into the water bowl once a week to maintain.
  • If, however, your pet doesn’t drink from the water bowl very often, dose once in the morning and once in the evening, on a small piece of healthy treat. Dosing like this, 1 pump = 1 dose. DOSE LIKE THIS FOR 10 DAYS THEN CEASE.  To maintain, give one dose weekly.


After the initial 10 day dosing, dose once weekly to maintain immunity strength.

If you have a particularly hot day once past the initial 10 day period of dosing, go ahead and dose on that day, as a booster.  See ‘Instructions’ for further information.


HELLO SUNSHINE! oral repellant drops are prepared in a base of vegetable glycerine and spring water.  Other ingredients include: Sol, Belladonna, and Rhux tox.


Expectations are based on experiences of triallists since 2018.

  • Pets with pink noses have not turned crusty, flaky or scabby in the summer sunshine using the HELLO SUNSHINE! remedy.
  • Pets with ‘red’ rimmed eyes, mouths, and noses and that are extremely prone to sun damage have seen the redness disappear.
  • Pets that that have found themselves ‘raw and sore’ due to sun exposure (and the difficulty of keeping sunscreen on them) have been able to enjoy summer without being burned or blistered.
  • Noses that have been long term ‘scabby’ due to years of sun exposure have healed up and appear healthy again.


Additional information


limited edition box, pump bottle, refill bottle

3 reviews for HELLO SUNSHINE! for sun protection

  1. Imogen

    We don’t need to dread summer with our horse anymore – we have used these drops for the first time since December and they work! Easy to administer and Rocket doesn’t mind them at all. One less thing to worry about thanks

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